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Caligraphy class

How ironic that DeVaughn's character for water was written with ink that is too watery.

Stop, Water, and Tree


I'm getting ink out of the ink stone thingy.

my table wrote Bandai (the school's name)


Best Soda Ever. I'm going back to Japan to steal this vending machine.


Strawberry Cream Soda. I'm still going through withdrawl.


an Apex Cup Recycle System

The vending machine above gives you paper cups, which you can recycle in this machine. You get 10 yen back for doing so (almost 10 cents)


The cups get recycled into toilet paper.


A cool diorama made of only origami cranes.

This guy is cool.


On July 7th you're supposed to hang wishes on bamboo. Some English classes made wishes in English which resulted in some interesting wishes...

I think Steven would appreciate this one.


DeVaughn is a pronoun AND a verb.

no you don't.

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